Recently I went to have an eye test to check everything was okay. Everything was okay.
At one point during my various tests, the optometrist said...
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I am excited to be a part of the Victorian Business Festival this year.
Maybe you’ve got a business itch you’d like to scratch, a...
Later today, I will be delivering a presentation on the topic of boundary setting, and I wanted to share some of the content with you.
A recent...
My goodness life can send you around in circles.
Have you noticed how things keep coming back to you, how life repeatedly gives you opportunities...
How is your year going?
Is it flowing?
Is it stagnant?
Is it moving too fast or moving too slow?
We are seasonal creatures, and if you are living...
Very excited to part of the #makeyourmove series with Business Chicks.
Have you got something that you want to do, but you are waiting to be...
“i love myself.’
β Nayyirah Waheed
I wish you a weekend of revolt....
Do you know of the 90’s book sensation ‘The 7 habits of highly effective people’, by Stephen R. Covey?
The tag-line of the book...
I am a big fan of random acts of kindness.
These are not acts of kindness for people you know; this is about being kind to complete strangers, for...
This week I had a meeting with a client for whom I will be delivering a keynote speech later in the year.
We talked about the aim of the...