Coaching Testimonials


“Kemi’s book ‘Power’ spoke to me so profoundly that I wanted to learn more from her and her understanding of women’s untapped potential. I was feeling self-doubt more keenly than I usually do, and was out of connection with my usual strategies. I was looking for a re-set and a reminder of my power! Kemi gave me exactly that. She is a brilliant and insightful coach. Her ability to explore with you your goals and the thoughts and behaviours keeping you from them, and her care as she walks beside you in work to remove those limitations means every session is positive and uplifting. She challenges you in ways that are both kind and that hold you accountable, and creates a safe space for learning. I found this experience to be life-changing. I am a clearer, more confident leader, and am aware of strengths in me that I hadn’t known were there. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Kemi to all people everywhere! Thanks so much Kemi.”

- Jo Stanley - CEO - Broad Radio



“I had reached a point of feeling burnt out personally and professionally.

Kemi led me with humour and compassion to give myself permission to reconnect and refocus my view of myself and my world.

Kemi is a rare a talent and a wonder, thank you for creating the journey that has enabled me to let go, and hold on, with rediscovered energy and compassion.”

- Abigail Forsyth - Managing Director – KeepCup



"I started coaching with Kemi during a pivotal career transition. Although I started with a set of very concrete professional goals there was room to be flexible around what I wanted to focus on at any given time. In doing so, I discovered new ways of unpacking old problems and a renewed sense of purpose. The one to one coaching really mobilised me into action mode. There’s no hiding when it's 1:1! A true testament to Kemi’s skill is the ways in which the leadership learnings translated beyond work. I’ve been able to make changes to many aspects of my life in genuinely constructive and healthful ways.

Above all, Kemi creates a safe space for reflection, reinvigoration and revelation."

- Dr Kudzai Kanhutu – Head of Department



“I decided to take up coaching because I had been facing various challenges in our family business. At that point in my life and work, I was deeply involved in managing and leading our family business. The responsibilities were significant, and the decisions I made had a direct impact on both the business and myself. I realised that I needed a different perspective, one that could address the personal and emotional aspects of the issues we were facing while also providing insights into effective leadership strategies.

This realisation prompted me to seek coaching that could take a more holistic approach, considering both the business and personal dynamics in our family company. I believed that such coaching would help me gain a deeper understanding of the challenges, foster better communication, and equip me with the tools to navigate the leadership complexities more effectively. Taking up coaching from this personal perspective was a step towards finding comprehensive solutions to the problems we were encountering and achieving growth and success in our family business.

Through one-on-one coaching, I gained a valuable space to think clearly about my thoughts and emotions, enabling me to identify and work through them effectively. Kemi’s support and attentive listening provided me with a sense of understanding and empowerment, leading to improved emotional resilience and better leadership skills in the context of our family business.

My leadership has been significantly impacted through coaching. I now have a clearer understanding of my emotions and how they influence my decision-making and interactions with my team. The coaching process helped me establish healthy boundaries, enabling me to lead more effectively and maintain a balanced work-life integration. With improved emotional intelligence and boundary-setting, I can lead with greater empathy, self-awareness, and confidence, fostering a more positive and productive work environment. These insights have transformed my leadership style, resulting in better communication, stronger team relationships, and overall enhanced performance within our family business.

As a coach, Kemi is strong and direct, which I find immensely valuable. Her straightforward approach challenges me to confront issues head-on and address them constructively. She is also an excellent listener, providing a safe space to express my thoughts and emotions openly and her coaching style has been instrumental in my personal growth and development, both professionally and personally.

I would enthusiastically refer Kemi to my networks without hesitation. Her coaching style is difficult to describe in words, as it's truly unique and impactful. Kemi is not only kind and compassionate but also an incredibly valuable guide in navigating the complexities of both personal and professional challenges. I have benefited immensely from her coaching.”

- Cecily McGuckin – CEO/Managing Director – Construction Industry



“I started coaching with Kemi when I was already deep in burnout. I thought she would help me minimise work stress and pull myself out of burn out, which she did, but not in the way I expected. Instead she led me on a path of self-discovery that transcended my job (which was my life at the time) and helped me manage the transition out of that environment and into one where I could effectively start over and create healthier personal narratives and habits. A lot of the work we did has fundamentally changed my thought patterns and I feel that’s because she guided me on my coaching journey rather than setting the path for me. I had full ownership over the process and Kemi helped me keep accountable to myself. The process helped me see that a lot of my negative thoughts and behaviours were due to burn out and not intrinsically mine – what a relief! Although this coaching process has now completed, I have a toolkit to practice everything I worked on over the last 12 months thanks to Kemi’s coaching style. I feel so fortunate to have had this opportunity and would love to work with her again in future.”

- Poonam Datar - Former CEO - Not-for-profit sector



“When I found myself at a career crossroads, a friend recommended I contact Kemi. At first, I was sceptical having found previous career/executive coaching underwhelming. Thankfully, Kemi was anything but! Perceptive, inquisitive, effective. Kemi listens. She is perceptive. Her insights and questions hit home and prompt deep self-reflection. Kemi lets you navigate at your own pace while gently challenging you to consider a different perspective. She creates space to sit with and make sense of your own thoughts and emotions so you can find a tangible way forward. Working with Kemi has made a lasting impact. Through a series of small incremental steps (plus a few Aha! moments!), I have found a stronger sense of self and purpose and unlocked a new inner confidence and thirst for growth. Thank you, Kemi.”

- Amanda Chew - Lawyer, Transport and Logistics sector



“I decided to take up coaching because I had been exposed to an environment where the benefits of coaching and mentorship was changing the lives of individuals in a big way in personal and business. And I understood even more that I needed a coach in my life, because there was so much growing within me and going on around me that I needed a different set of eyes to guide me through. What I gained for myself from one-to-one coaching is a better view and understanding of myself and the way I think, as well as better self-confidence and clarity of purpose. Kemi’s style of coaching is human and real. It was easy to connect and relax and open up with her and she is very professional with her time, approach and content of coaching sessions. She always brings you back to the focus of the session which is determined by myself as the client and finishes the session off with a clear summary and areas to focus on which are also determined by me. Kemi is excellent at what she does because I left every session feeling empowered to take on the challenges we discussed.”

- Maame Ekua Simba Abaka – Social Worker - Services Australia



“I was feeling very stuck, confused, self-doubting and generally fairly miserable. I was trying to make some difficult decisions from a career perspective, and was feeling lost and unmotivated. After every session with Kemi, I became more and more at peace with decisions I had made that I had previously been doubting.

Kemi was so affirmative and helped me see the courage behind my decisions and actions. I gained enormous clarity from our conversations.

I back myself more, and have my confidence back to act as a leader both at work and in my personal life and volunteering activities.

Kemi is absolutely incredible in every way. As a coach, she is challenging, asking tough questions that cut through to the heart of the discussion. But they are always the right questions.

I am definitely a different person. Kemi has helped me believe in myself, and really set me on a more positive path.

Thank you Kemi! I would happily refer you to anyone who might be in the midst of the midlife reckoning.”

- Kirsten Wiskar - Manager Broadcast Sponsorships & Community Response - Suncorp



“I commenced my coaching journey with Kemi Nekvapil prior to accepting a new General Managers position. The coaching was imperative for me to transition into the new role, understand my obstacles, and reveal the leader I truly am.
My sessions with Kemi enabled me to be clear with my goals, stretch my thinking and language in my day-to-day activities and set new pathways for future leaders in our business.

I now lead with intention and purpose in my authentic way. I know that I will continue to be challenged and stretched, however I welcome it as my learnings from Kemi have me view things from a place of strength and vulnerability.

For anyone requiring a leadership coach, Kemi really holds you accountable, inspires your thinking and empowers you with tools that stream across all aspects of life. Kemi coached me to “find my fierce”
Eternally grateful!”

-Rita Marcon - General Manager - Kao Salon Australia and New Zealand



“I've worked with coaches in my business for a number of years, but hadn't prioritised coaching for me personally. When I decided to make some big changes in my life - packing up and moving away from my home of 21 years and prioritising finding love in my early 50’s, I sought out Kemi as my coach because she came highly recommended by a friend.

Working with Kemi, I learnt so much about who I am and what I want, need and desire. And just as importantly, how to ask for it. Kemi created a safe place for me to get everything out of my head, shared insights and asked probing questions for me to get clear on the woman I want to become and the life I want to live.

As a coach, Kemi has an amazing ability to hold space for whatever comes up, without judgement. She created a safe environment for me to speak openly and would ask just the right questions at the right time.

I would highly recommend Kemi as a coach to someone who’s ready to make a change in their life and is looking for that little bit extra support to work out how.”

- Vanessa Medling – Business Coach



"When I started my coaching with Kemi, my confidence was lacking as a leader, and I was doubting my decisions and capacity. Over the six-month period, Kemi provided a safe space to explore what was going on and why I was feeling the way I was. She supported me to identify what is important to me, to uncover power insights about my professional life and self-worth, helped me to understand the importance of self-compassion, and encouraged me to listen to my body and trust myself. And at the end of each session, I felt energised, I had clarity on the actions I needed to take and greater confidence in my ability to shift things. Kemi is an incredible coach. She listens without judgement, asks the questions that need to be asked and helps you uncover powerful insights – and all this within a 45 minute coaching session."

- Katie Wright  - Executive Manager, Strategy and Impact



"When I began working with Kemi, I had some deep rooted fears and limiting beliefs holding me back in my business and personal life that I wanted to shift. From working with Kemi for three months I was able to accept parts of myself that I rejected, own ALL of me - the inner and outer beauty of who I am, and reclaim my inner power by listening and trusting my intuition. As a leader, I’ve been able to show up more vulnerably and powerfully as I’ve accepted that I’m human and with that comes imperfections and that’s ok. When I own the light and dark within, I lead from a place of authenticity and love. Kemi is an incredibly insightful, funny, and straight forward coach who challenged my thinking. She saw within me power, strength, and heart to lead others and make a difference in the world, and to be seen, heard, and loved by her was such a gift. Anyone who is fortunate enough to work with Kemi will see themselves differently afterwards. I highly recommend her as a personal leadership coach because her integrity and heart is surpassed by none."

- Megan Jaworski - Coach 



"I started working with Kemi because I felt like I needed to tackle challenges I was experiencing at work from a fresh approach. From our first conversation, I knew I had met someone who was going to support me to unpack and tackle the obstacles that were getting in my way. What I didn’t fully comprehend at the time was how much working with Kemi would help me connect back to myself, my values and my strengths- and to see these as an asset in my role as a leader. 

The benefits of our one-to-one coaching extended well beyond my work life. With Kemi’s support I felt able to identify and honour my needs at this time of my life where I am trying to achieve better balance in my role as mother, partner, and leader. Kemi is a highly intuitive woman who has a such a way of building connection and trust through her coaching sessions. I feel so very lucky to have had the opportunity to work with her through this season of my life and I look forward to doing so again as I move forward in my career in a way that is authentic to who I am and who I want to be. Kellie Horton – Executive Lead – Policy and Research 

I was in a place of self-doubt and confusion about the direction of my career and my overall capability as a human! I felt as though I had too many plates spinning (out of control) and that I was spread SO thin in all areas of my life. I couldn’t see the wood for the trees and felt like I was out there lost and alone. 

Through coaching sessions with Kemi I have been able to shift my mindset from “busy” as a status symbol, to being “purposeful”. I have learned to be kinder to myself and to think in terms of options and actions. The real game changer for me was Kemi’s encouragement and guidance to have a really difficult conversation with a business partner, something I never would have done on my own. 

Today, I am living with peace and joy and I allow myself the time to stop and pursue things that make my soul light up. Quite profound I know, but this is what Kemi does! I am back in the driver’s seat and feeling in control of my life and where I’m headed. 

Kemi has such a calming energy, I feel at ease as soon as she picks up the phone. Kemi holds a safe space for me to think freely and openly and draws out ideas and options. I feel like she truly listens and understands where I’m at and who I am as a person. 

Thank you so very much Kemi – it has been wonderful to have you on my team and I look forward to the next 6 months!"

– Heang Forbes – Agile Coach – HR – Banking 



"After 5 months of feeling overworked, exhausted from my job, feeling that I did not want to lead my team any-more, stuck in a negative frame of mind and unable to shift, I finally decided I needed help moving forward. 

Kemi was warm, understanding and encouraged me to explore various aspects of my creative self, self-care and living life fully expressed.  

Kemi supported my need to create boundaries at work to make a safe space for myself and my team. She helped me wade through all the things that had happened, bringing clarity through her questions, and encouraging me to ask for support, so that I could have some hard conversations at work.  

By the end of my three months with Kemi there had been a great shift, and I had confidence again in my ability to lead my team and had direction and plan for my working life, and for taking a break at the end of the year. The biggest surprise out of all of this was that I started knitting a pair of socks! Who knew I had that in me!  "

- Annelies Van Doorn - Marketing and Licensing Manager


"I had wanted a coach for a couple of years, but never found the right fit until I discovered Kemi on a podcast. Finally I felt like I'd found the dreamer, the do-er, and the realist I'd been looking for! I came to coaching wanting to build the confidence I needed to take the next step in my career. It has been more than worth the investment. Through working with Kemi I have cultivated a formidable confidence in myself, one sourced from knowing my values and worth. The effect of this has gone far beyond my professional pursuits, opening up deeper and more fulfilling relationships in all areas of my life. Kemi is a fabulous, honest, compassionate coach with one of the best laughs I've ever heard."

- Jenna Green  - Arts Producer – Writer 


"As a coach, I have always subscribed to the notion that it is imperative to invest in having a coach too.

Looking to take my own coaching up a level, gain greater accountability and discover ways to market myself, I engaged in a partnership with Kemi. Her encouraging, challenging and direct approach provided me with greater insight into myself and the future of my business. Our thought-provoking coaching sessions had me thinking well beyond our allocated time and actioning more than I expected of myself. Kemi dared me to commit at a deeper level which was the very thing I needed. Thank you, Kemi, for your wisdom and heartening support to step into my power, I will forever be truly grateful."

- Kylie Paatsch - Leadership & Personal Development Coach  


"When I started working with Kemi, I was in a challenging scenario at work, and wanted to develop some tools and strategies to help me get through it. What I have come away with is so much more. Kemi challenged my preconceived ideas and limitations, and held space for me to discover what I am capable of. I now know that what I bring to the table is of value, and have the strength to face those challenges as they arise. I had someone say to me the other day that Kemi has ’some kind of magic’ which is a perfect description. I was challenged and held accountable whilst at all times I felt completely safe. "

- Nardia Vescovi-Diss - Managing Director



"It’s not every day that you meet someone so genuine that they make you stop and take notice. The first time I heard Kemi speak I was so inspired by her vulnerability and powerful message that I knew I had to work with her. I was at a point in my life where it was time for change and in a major way. My nerves felt raw. I was tired of feeling tired. My body was in a state of seemingly permanent tension. I’d been on the go for over a decade and I had the urge to pause, reflect and take stock. I wanted clarity. As a result of working with Kemi I’ve returned to being a more reflective, confident and wholehearted leader. Someone who takes the time to slow down, listen more and change course when needed, even if not easy. Step by step with each session, I found myself resisting busyness, turning inwards, and tuning into my intuition in a way that became habitual. And the clarity I’d been seeking emerged. Kemi is a coach who creates a space where trust is the foundation and judgment doesn’t exist. She is action oriented and firm, but also kind. Funny, yet focused. Warm, and intentional. In her presence openness and honesty become second nature. She is a courage inducing mirror that shows you that you too can be strong, stand in your power, say no, maintain your integrity, create boundaries (all the things that sometimes ‘feel’ daunting) and watch as your life literally changes in the best possible ways. "

– Cortina McCurry – CEO and Founder 



"Kemi, thank you for giving me the space. You led me to my inner core to unravel about 30 years of negativity. Made my laughter and tears to flow freely.I discovered my purpose along the way. This is what was found in the process of working with you."

– Liza Abaya – Business owner and Philanthropist 



"Having recently launched my business I chose to work with Kemi as I wanted to feel more confident in my own abilities. Kemi is caring, curious, intuitive and always spot-on with her observations, these gifts of hers enabled me to see past the 'story' that sometimes plays in my head and explore new perspectives while deep-diving into areas I'd usually shy away from.  Shifts I experienced included being more accepting of myself as a multi-faceted, ever-evolving being.  Learning that it's ok to be vulnerable, empathetic (not only with others but myself too) and emotional, in turn, I gained an understanding of how to better trust and honour myself while remaining true to my authentic self in the running of my business."

- Nikki Tiedeman ~ Mindfulness Coach


"Kemi listens. Kemi guides. Kemi supports. Kemi is amazing! Going through the coaching process with Kemi is extraordinary because she makes the process about you and what you need. Not everyone takes the time to listen, to hear, to acknowledge you and then guide you towards constructive, specific, measurable actions about you and for you.

After following Kemi and reading her Weekly Words, I decided to enquire about coaching.  I knew I wasn't taking care of myself; I thought self-care was selfish. And as a new manager, I wanted to bring empathy and consideration to my leadership. I have high expectations of myself yet, I didn't want my expectations to impinge on my colleagues.

Kemi uses her superpowers of insight and curiosity and turns towards life's difficulties with kindness and compassion. I learnt that self-care is selfless.  I learnt that 'clear is kind' and communicating that with empathy, with Kemi's coaching, my professional and personal relationships, and my perspective, have dramatically improved."

- Emma Sekuless - Donor Relations Manager



“I decided to take up coaching as I was feeling stuck with work and I felt that something was holding me back but I didn’t know what it was; I also wanted to push myself and my business and be more conscious with where my business and my life was heading.

From coaching with Kemi I was able to see that I had choices in my business and my life. I learnt the importance of asking for what I need, the ability to ask myself what I need right now. I learnt to be kind to myself and reframe my situation. It was a fortnightly platform to dive into what was important to me and through this I now have better relationships with my husband & parents, better relationship with money and the ability to ask for what I’m worth.

Kemi is very strong and considered in her life choices and daily actions and that is one of the reasons I choose her to coach me. Kemi has the ability to ask questions that get to the heart of what is going on and lets you explore your own perceptions and reality while guiding you to see things in a different light or reminding you of wisdom you may have forgotten. Kemi was wonderful to work with and learn from. Thank you Kemi!"

- Caitlin Mills – Photographer and Business Owner



"The desire to start coaching with Kemi came about as I felt I needed some guidance to push through some mindset challenges I was facing personally and professionally.

The value I gained from my coaching was life changing – yes I understand how extreme that sounds. Kemi taught me that I truly have all the answers within and together we broke through some old beliefs that had been hanging around for most of my life.

Kemi is like no one I have ever worked with. She is not a coach that tells you what to do, nor does she just guide you down a path that everyone else is taking. She is a coach that truly, truly listens and has the innate power to ask the most appropriate questions to bust through your real issues. In our calls “I” was doing most of the talking and Kemi listened and fired off the right questions at the right time to get to the root of the problem. She is brilliant!!

The 6 months I spent with Kemi have strengthen my confidence as a leader. I feel I am able to confidently and authentically stand in my own truth and lead from a place that feels and works well for me."

- Olga Naumovski - Self-employed



“The positive impact Kemi has had on my life cannot be overstated. I began my coaching journey 18 months ago, at a time in my life when I was feeling reasonably accomplished and clear on what I wanted to achieve. With the support and guidance of Kemi I accomplished many things which on paper equalled success, however I discovered along the way that I wasn’t being entirely true to myself. I had modelled my leadership on the styles and expectations of others and was no longer clear on my own values. So began a journey of self-discovery which was as challenging as it was rewarding. As I practiced being courageous and vulnerable (I learned there is not one without the other), and leaned into my own leadership style – my connections became stronger, my conversations more meaningful and I was able to replace approval seeking with authenticity. Being an authentic leader is a continual work in progress – some days I feel more vulnerable than courageous and vice versa, but my fortnightly sessions with Kemi were instrumental in propelling me forward. Kemi led me to discover and believe in my own worth, and in the process, re-evaluate what true leadership and success means for me. I trust Kemi implicitly and her unconditional support is a rare and generous gift. Kemi is so much more than a coach – she’s the secret weapon to discovering your own super-powers.“

 - Jodi Wadling - Head of Growth, Superannuation Industry



“I took up coaching with Kemi to raise my life standards. To take everything I was doing well and to multiply it exponentially, and to hold a mirror to the areas I could dismantle and improve upon. I hoped that I would gain clarity and a new grounding in personal power. I didn’t expect to discover so much about myself. Kemi is not only whip-smart, but breathtakingly intuitive. She feels through words. She has a radar for the “story walls” that hold us back and works with you to tear them down. She kindly challenges, and politely suggests. She is a coach of the highest possible calibre. I gladly and most gratefully recommend her services.“

- Hayley Talbot - Entrepreneurial & Creative Projects



“I decided to take up coaching with Kemi at a time in my life where I felt my professional path was stalling and I was plagued with self-doubt and lack of confidence at work. Kemi helped me acknowledge that I had an internal voice that wasn’t serving me, and helped me get clarity on my own unique value, strengths and positive contributions. Re-shifting my mindset from one of “I am not good enough” to one of “I am valued” was transformational. Instead of trying to prove my value by trying too hard, I could be present and thoughtfully contribute at work. Instead of trying to keep myself safe by never leaning in, I could lean in with confidence that I was enough and that I would be doing a disservice to my work if I withheld my contribution. After just a few sessions with Kemi, my colleagues started remarking on the change in me and acknowledged how powerfully I was “owning” my role in the business.

Kemi provided a safe space to explore personal challenges with zero judgement. Even as I was judging myself and feeling like I was “wrong” to feel the way I did, Kemi came to each issue with love, compassion and support, and helped me reframe the questions I was asking, explore alternative solutions and provide me with tools and resources to tackle difficult issues.

While I came to Kemi to seek coaching around my professional life, she also helped me understand the importance of looking after myself and prioritising self-care. I’d always thought of self-care as a somewhat selfish indulgence that prioritised my needs over other important personal and professional commitments, but Kemi helped me see how lack of self-care was negatively impacting my important relationships (husband, children, friends) and my ability to be the best version of myself. She helped me identify and implement a range of tools, techniques and practices that have really improved how balanced, resilient and connected I feel across all areas of life.

I am a different person than the one I was when I started my sessions with Kemi. I have more focus, resilience, confidence and also more self-compassion. I know life will continue to throw me curveballs and challenges, stresses and strains, but I feel like I now have the tools and resources I need to weather them in a way that doesn’t overwhelm. I’m by no means perfect and I feel I have so much further to go on my inner-work journey (with Kemi and beyond), but I am so grateful to Kemi for the powerful shift she helped bring about in me that has set me up to live a powerful, connected and deeply fulfilled life.“

- Amanda Goodman - Head of Syndication and Director for a venture capital fund



“I decided to work with Kemi because I knew I needed support and external accountability during my first year in business. From our first discovery call I felt complete trust in Kemi and was already moved by her insights and clarity. Over six months of working together Kemi expertly created a space for me to explore a full range of emotions and uncover powerful insights into both my personal and professional life. At the end of our coaching series I know myself better, I have better strategies for managing my challenges and more inspiration to celebrate my strengths. If you are lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with Kemi, grab it with both hands.“

- Elly Baxter - PR Consultant/Business Owner



“I started coaching with the hope that I could change some negative patterns in friendships and relationships. Through coaching I was able to take responsibility for my role in unhealthy relationships and to start shifting negative dynamics. It’s not easy to admit you are responsible for your own pain, but Kemi’s insightful questions, non-judgement and gentle challenges are undoubtedly what has given me an understanding of the power I have to create positive relationships. A thousand thank yous!“ 

- Jane Hawtin - Programs Manager (International Development) for a not-for-profit



“From the one-on-one coaching with Kemi I gained the ability to see through my internal thoughts and accept that it was okay to have bad days, it was okay to feel like things were hard, and it was okay to fail. But most importantly I learned more about who I am as a leader, who I am as a mother and who I am as a founder. I am not trying to be like anyone else, I am not going to change for anyone else. I will remain authentic and deeply committed to whatever I put in front of me because that is who I am. I am a deeply committed, authentic leader who cares about people, the planet and creating change.

Kemi is a thoughtful coach, who takes her time to consider who I am and what I need. She does not make me feel like just another client, I believe that Kemi wanted to get to know me and what was needed for me. I appreciated her humour, her calmness and her ability to cut through the crap to the core. What I learned about myself in 6 months with Kemi has set me up for a much brighter future as a leader, a change maker and a founder.“

- Vicki Stirling - Brand & Business Consultant



“One of the main reasons I invested in a coach was to help me to meet my goals in my business and grow as a leader. I realised I needed someone to hold me accountable that I could learn new skills from that would help me to grow as a person but also grow as a leader for my team. I was doubting my ability as a leader, which then affected my confidence and ability to lead my team in the direction that I knew we needed to be heading in.

Having spent time with Kemi when she spoke at one of our company events and could see that she was someone that I respected and new I would work well with. I gained confidence & new skills that have made a huge difference in how I am feeling and how I am communicating and working with my team members. I am happier and more confident in my ability as a leader and have more clarity on the areas I need to be working on.

Kemi is a kind, caring and compassionate coach with a wicked sense of humour, and a way about her that makes you feel comfortable and secure in her presence. She was awesome at guiding me in a way that always got me to answer my own questions and move me forward. I would recommend her as a coach and will definitely come back for more sessions.“

- Amanda Wilbanks - National Vice President - Network Marketing Business



“I was in serious need of clarity and perspective not only in my business and career, but personal life too. My flight response was in overdrive and I was determined to navigate the next season in my life with as much grace and integrity as possible. Kemi was able to steer me through this incredibly challenging time with clear, concise and compassionate coaching. She asked all the right questions, gave me space and pushed me when I needed to be pushed; all of which enabled me to make the big decisions, kick goals and release me into the next season of my life with confidence, clarity and strength. Even those times I thought I didn’t really need the ‘next session’, it turned out I did and I am grateful for the accountability that Kemi held me to. I cannot more highly recommend Kemi as a coach; this is one investment was worth far more than its weight in gold. Thank you Kemi x“

- Amy Heague - Magazine CEO & Chief Editor



“When I took up coaching I was in a place in my life where I felt like I was starting from scratch all over again. I was a little raw and vulnerable but determined to help others with my idea. I gained so much from working with Kemi – a new life that I am so proud of and my self-belief back. Every session was incredibly productive that had me writing so many notes! Kemi provided a safe space where I could grow and challenge myself. I would not be where I am if it wasn’t for Kemi’s support and coaching, I wouldn’t have achieved half the things I have. Sometimes I ask…what would Kemi do? Words cannot alone express my gratitude to Kemi and what getting to know her has meant to me. To not feel alone.“

- Winitha Bonney -  Entrepreneur and Founder of a not-for-profit



“When I decided to ask for Kemi’s support as a coach, I was already in a good place but felt like I wanted to level up to the next stage in my life, in all areas. From our time together, I gained more confidence in my ability to transform my dreams into reality, and I learnt practical ways to do that. I feel inspired and ready to take on new challenges.

As a coach Kemi is compassionate and benevolent yet very sharp in asking the challenging questions that enable breakthroughs. During our time working together, I felt supported, understood, and encouraged to dare, to believe.

Asking for support from Kemi helped me becoming a better version of myself, I recommend her programs and her book “The Gift of Asking” greatly!“

- Maud Leger - Entrepreneur in Yoga & Wellness



“Working with Kemi has given me that ‘sounding board’ and space. She asked the right (though sometimes hard) questions, provided a judgement-free space for me to come up with my own answers and then held me accountable to my commitments. Working with Kemi has helped me trust my own judgement and to ask for help. She will challenge and push you, but always from a place of compassion and warmth. I am so grateful to her for her support and I can’t recommend Kemi as a coach more highly.“

- Jen Brown - Coach & Owner - Sparta Chicks



“Being stagnant in life is debilitating. Being stagnant when you have a husband and a young family to consider more so. I felt like I was failing at life with no end in sight. After many failed attempts at moving forward on my own I engaged a coach. I engaged Kemi as my coach for so many reasons but I would have to say the main reason being is her holistic approach. No stone is left unturned to get you moving. She considers every aspect of your being! She is ridiculously caring and witty. Her coaching style is empowering and effective, she holds space for you and genuinely cares. She has got me moving again and has given me so many tools that stagnation is no longer an option. I am happily thriving and living a joyful passionate life. She is a coach to be reckoned with, a passionate powerhouse who will get the job done. Thank you Kemi, forever grateful for you.“

- Desie Borzillo - Full-time mum



“Working with Kemi is like nothing else. It’s now the second time I’ve asked for Kemi’s coaching support and just like the first time, these 6-months have been a game changer in my life. Both times I turned to her in moments where I felt somewhat lost about the direction of my business or the way to implement my projects; I was unsure about my relationships & struggled to find balance in my life. What I find most valuable is that there is no limit to what can be tackled through this process: work, relationships of all nature, health & nutrition, self-development, stories from the past that need healing…. You may not end up focusing on the areas of your life that made you reach out for guidance in the first place and that’s the magic of it! When I am asked why working with Kemi works so well for me this is what I usually say: “She challenges me with care.” Her coaching is truth-revealing, supportive, constructive, insightful, empowering & sometimes scary in the best of ways. There’s nothing I feel I cannot do after a session with her! I already know I’ll work with Kemi again – simply because the process never ends & I’ve learnt that asking for support is the best gift I can give myself.“

- Anne-Laure Eberhardt - Business Owner



“My coaching sessions with Kemi were beneficial on many levels. I initially contacted her for support with my work goals and how to ground them in tangible outcomes. Kemi was the woman for the job! She created such a safe container that it felt natural to take a good, hard look at myself in action; I saw where my strengths lay as well as what needed improving. Her questions and invitations for ‘homework’ were forthright and spot on, gently nudging me into a new sense of self-accountability. And how we laughed! On a personal note, Kemi’s ability to listen deeply, with full presence, allowed me to articulate undiscovered parts of myself, which was a welcome gift. Thank you so much Kemi!“

- Charlotte Young - Teacher



“I heard Kemi speak at a work conference. Immediately I was drawn to Kemi. I loved her attitude towards life, etc. I loved her attitude towards life, it seemed so much clearer than my own. I was in a massive rut, unhappy and overly stressed in all areas of my life.

I wanted more for myself both professionally and personally but always felt blocked in obtaining them, and if I did get them there was an overpowering feeling of guilt. I was dealing with a job I felt was going nowhere and a personal life filled with extreme pressure, stress and responsibility and heartache. And I was ready for Kemi to come into my life. My sessions with Kemi allowed me to be honest and completely uncensored, with the actions to keep me accountable and guilt free, the best thing ever!!

Kemi is the most motivating woman I have ever met, courageous, strong, vulnerable, patient, insightful, inspiring and above all empowering.
Without Kemi I wouldn’t have heard my dad say “I love you” the way I needed to hear it and for this alone I am forever grateful. For this alone Kemi brought me peace x “

- Cindy Sneddon -  Function & Events Coordinator



“I first ‘met’ Kemi when she was giving a talk on Elevating Relationships. She was warm, inspiring and real. She didn’t sugar coat things. Her words were honest and helped create action.

I left that day feeling like it was the beginning of a shift in my life just not sure where exactly yet. It wasn’t until a few months later my journey began with Kemi. I was in a place where I didn’t value myself and in a destructive relationship. I organised an introductory session with Kemi and never looked back. Throughout my coaching journey with Kemi, she allowed me to be honest, to sit with my feelings and be ok with them, and create action rather than pity or ignore them or other emotional costs that we often allow ourselves to endure.

With Kemi I was able to begin to repair my self-confidence, learn how to value myself and understand how to prioritise what important to me which had the added benefit of crossing over into my professional life too. I also learnt about having openness and understanding to others and not give away my own worth. To take action and be accountable instead of placing blame. This was such a huge shift for me from where I had started.

Kemi is a truly beautiful soul and I feel incredibly grateful and empowered from my experience and the time that I have spent with her.”

- Shelly Ann Kimber - Marketing



“When I first decided to try life coaching with Kemi I had made some major changes to my life. I had sold my house, quit my job and had no direction on where I was headed.

The journey I took with Kemi over the following 6 months helped me gain focus in all areas of my life and really made me realise what was important to me. My major achievement was learning to love myself which in turn has made me love the people and places around me. What a great experience and Kemi gives you a wonderfully safe and calm environment to make a life changing journey of self-nourishment and discovery. I can’t thank her enough.”

- Melita Gibbs - Accountant



“When I started working with Kemi I was stuck. Unhappy, unfulfilled and mentally and emotionally raw from years of IVF failure and the limbo that created. I was ‘existing’.Fast forward less than a year and life is completely different.

There are so many possibilities!!! Each day I am growing, learning, changing and discovering the things that please me and the things that don’t. The ‘can’ts’ that previously limited me have been replaced with ‘what steps do I need to make to achieve my goals”. When difficulties appear (and yes they still appear), I have the knowledge that each obstacle I overcome, I am one step closer to achieving my goals. That knowledge has changed my life so significantly that it’s hard to believe sometimes that I was that other person.

Thank you Kemi for sharing with me the tools I needed to change my life. I do not have the words to describe what that gift means but thank you. Thank you for this crazy, beautiful life.”

- Aroha Dykes - Owner and Administration of a dance studio



“I decided to have coaching because I was a new Mum adjusting to life with a small baby and felt I had lost myself. I wanted to explore what was truly possible for me whilst building my confidence and uncovering where my passions lie. Little did I know that taking this journey would uncover a myriad of things and help me in ways you never imagined possible.

Kemi’s coaching style enabled me to form a stronger relationship with my own mother and one of my wins was that we are now able to communicate on a level where we can be honest and enjoy each other’s company without any judgment. Kemi always asked the questions I was afraid to ask myself and always was willing to work with me even when I was having a tough day.

The difference that Kemi’s coaching experience brought to me was that I realised that I was suffering from postnatal depression during this journey. Had I not chosen to be coached by Kemi I don’t think I would have had that awareness to seek help when things didn’t seem to be getting better for me. The best part was that when I shared my news with her she was only ever there for me and it helped me with my ongoing recovery. From working with Kemi I was able to share my experience with other women and was surprised by the amount of support I received.”

- Nicholette Te Wao - Council Systems and Emergency Coordinator



“Being coached is scary, before you start you already know that both the coach and the process itself is going to make you deliver to yourself all the hopes and goals you dream up for your ‘best-lived-life’. That it ultimately becomes unavoidable, a sharp turn away from avoidance and clever self-trickery, to only the purest form of life experience and ownership you could hope for. Yes, a very scary step away from comforting mediocrity and numbing ordinariness. Best choose your life coach wisely… you will want someone who is smarter than you and funnier than you, someone who is warm and kind yet bold and direct, and someone who inspires you by living into their own big brave ideas and continues to unabashedly expect and plan for an extraordinary life. Kemi is exactly that person.

Kemi lives the very values and principles of being accountable to yourself for what happens next. Nothing can get in the way, she very quickly could get to the root of any number of overlapping and compounding matters to help me draw out a clear structure and plan that felt totally possible yet and at the realisation point of my dreamed up potential. I have big goals and sky-high dreams and Kemi straight away lined up to the brightest idea of these and helped me practically and tangibly plan and then live my way into these becoming reality.”

- Cassie Lee - Power Living Yoga Australia 

Free Resources

The Self-Coaching Check-In


I’ve compiled these questions to support you as you navigate life – the ups, the downs and the in-between times.

You may answer them all in one go, with your journal by your side, or you may want to dip in and out as challenges and goals arise.

These questions will bring you clarity, sharpen your focus, honour who you are, what you want, and how you want to contribute to the world.

Receive your Self-Coaching Check-In