The Kemi Nekvapil Podcast ignites your mind, body and spirit.
Season One, 2019

When a client wakes up every morning with dread in her stomach, she knows she needs to take action if she wants to secure what she has worked hard to achieve.
In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi Nekvapil will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.

In today’s session, a significant relationship is at stake. When we only see others in a certain way, we need to commit to seeing something different if we want things to change.
In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.

When Kemi was hiking with her 12year old daughter in Western Australia and covering 250km in 14 days, they both learnt the many layers of growth.
In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.

One of the biggest questions we ask ourselves is, “What is my purpose?” As a client tackles this question, she discovers a sense of purpose is not as daunting as she first believed.
In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.

Generally, the actions that got us to where we are will not take us to the next level. Today’s client comes to understand that she needs to do something different to move forward.
In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.

Kemi realised that she needed to surrender if she was to build connection with her family, who lived on three continents.
In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.

Personal Power
Jasmine has always loved her work and proudly created a business where she was happy with the balance between work and motherhood, but a client dynamic has her questioning everything.
In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.

Cat had always loved running, but winning comes at a cost, and the cost is too high for Cat, she sees giving up what she loves as her only option.
In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.

Amel has been embracing her role as a leader and enjoys inspiring the best from her team, but when her boss gives her feedback, Amel questions her leadership.
In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.

Amita has always spoken highly of her 20-year friendship with Bola, but when Bola makes a mistake at a work function, Amita is finding it hard to understand Bola’s intention.
In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.