Dare To Lead Program™ for Teams & Organisations.

I am a facilitator, who trains organisations and individuals in values-based leadership.
I understand that effective and sustainable leadership now involves individuals being able to lead as themselves, while also meeting the needs of their organisation.
I bring to my facilitation, a powerful focus on individuals in the room, using my training and experience as an ICF-credentialed, personal and executive coach.
As a facilitator, I work in the gap between where a team is now and where it wants to go.

“At The Hunger Project we value ongoing learning and growth immensely. We had had a tough year, and the way Kemi created a safe space for us to talk about our challenges really allowed us to more deeply understand ourselves and each other, and to be open and reconnect with one another like never before. She also brought moments of laughter and fun so we really enjoyed the development process which can be confronting and frustrating at times Since completing the program, my team and I have been able to have clear and kind conversations with one another and to be more organised and efficient in a way that honours everyone's time. This has lifted our mutual respect and cooperation to a whole new level, and enabled us to focus on the things that really matter to us- like our mission to end hunger. I am personally grateful to Kemi for enabling us to create a new team relationship through participating in the Dare To Lead program under her facilitation."
- Melanie Noden CEO, The Hunger Project Australia
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