Youā€™ll want to know first!

Jun 10, 2022
Kemi Nekvapil holding a book

Last year I facilitated The Gift of Asking live group coaching program.

The plan was to make it a self-paced program for people to do at their leisure, and although this will be the case at some stage, it was such a delight to facilitate live, that I am launching the program again this August.

The Gift of Asking is a six-week live program, where you and a community of women get to look at life through the lens of asking. So any area of your life that you would like to shift or transform; from your wellbeing to your relationships, to your career or business, asking is a powerful tool to begin the process.

Last year participants ended and started relationships, received raises, more flexible working arrangements, more sex, more domestic and childcare support, put boundaries in place, and so much more. And this does not include the magic that happens once we know we are worthy of any ask.

Some words from past participants:

“This is an exceptional program and I recommend it to anyone wanting to push through habitual patterns of playing small and self-sabotage. Kemi is highly skilled at building a safe and trustworthy environment while at the same time coaxing us firmly but lovingly out of hiding behind our BS. It was a privilege to watch the group blossom and step up to ask for what they wanted and needed to live their best lives. But it was also an eye-opener, as it made me realise, I can do this too! The accountability was brilliant but even after the program ends, this is the gift that will keep on giving.”  – Kat G

“By using the foundations of my asking story, which I learnt in the course, I have been able to get clearer on the important asks I need to make to move forward. Understanding what is important to me has helped clarify what I need to ask for and why. Kemi possesses the ability to bring all the participants together in a supported and safe space, which encouraged everyone to be brave and share in such a deep and real way. The course was a beautiful blend of live interactions with Kemi and the other participants with dedicated individual work to support the asking journey. Gained so much insight during this course and will be using these tools in my life on an ongoing basis.” – Marika

I do not have any coaching availability for one-to-one clients for the rest of 2022, so this is a great way to work with me this year, if you know coaching will support you right now.  And of course you get the added bonus of a community of women to learn, grow and celebrate with.

Program Details:- 

Dates: Commencing 08 August for 6 weeks until 12 September 2022.

Times: Six consecutive Mondays at 12pm-1.30pm

(Replays will be with you within 48 hours if you can’t make all the live sessions.)

Price: $1999 inc. GST

(Payment plan option available with a surcharge.)

There will be a cap on participants, so if you put yourself on the waiting list you will be invited to register one week before the official launch doors open.

If you have not read The Gift of Asking; order your copy now.

If the book resonates with you, the program will.

There will be no Weekly Words next week, as I am taking myself off to a beautiful spa retreat, where the sun will be a daily companion, unlike Melbourne right now!

Wishing you a weekend of internal and external warmth.

Kemi xxx


Power Reviews:

Thank you if you have already left a review for POWER; I sincerely appreciate the time you took. 

If you have already read POWER or are currently reading it, can you please leave a rating and review where you purchased the book.

It doesn’t have to be more than a sentence (though 200 words are gold), but written reviews significantly impact how many women are exposed to the book and its message.

To make it easy for you, if you are someone who never leaves reviews or struggles with what to write, here are some guiding questions:

1. What is your biggest takeaway from reading POWER?

2. Which Power Principle or chapter resonated with you the most and why?

3. How has the book impacted your sense of power in the world? 

4. Would you recommend this book to other women?

Booktopia Review 

Amazon Australia Review 

Goodreads Review (if you bought POWER at a bricks and mortar bookstore)

If you could do this in the next 48 hours, that would be wonderful. I thank you in advance.

And if you don’t have your copy yet, ORDER NOW.

Life is too short not to own your POWER!

POWER is available to purchase.

I thank you in advance for supporting my work and my words.

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