Two New Things!
Mar 01, 2024While I was overseas at the start of the year, we entered an exciting phase with POWER – A woman’s guide to living and leading without apology.
POWER has now been released in Australia, Holland, the US, and soon-to-be Ukraine, and now a 2nd Australian edition is ready for your eyes!
Getting a book published once is exciting; twice in the same country is the cherry and the gravy.
The new Australian edition now has the US-designed cover and the added forward by my friend, Elizabeth Gilbert - the first Australian edition does not have this generous forward.
The theme for International Women’s Day is ‘Inspire Inclusion’. In POWER, I write about how to include yourself in your leadership and life so that you can be a full expression of yourself and permit others to be a full expression of themselves. March is a great time to explore, own and share your POWER.
So, if you are a collector of POWER (in all its many forms) for yourself, friends, family or colleagues, you can purchase the new edition here.
And if you still have not read POWER, this is the month to live and lead without apology!
Next New thing!
At the end of last year, I shared that I would be expanding my writing and offering a new way for you to engage with my work my words and me! I have been writing Weekly Words (WW) for free for ten years now, and I will continue to write Weekly Words for free for the following year. You do not have to do anything different; you will receive WW as always.
On April 26th, I’ll be launching ‘The Harvest.’
In ‘The Harvest’ community, we will consciously prepare the ground, sow seeds, cultivate, prune and harvest what matters in each season of our lives.
‘The Harvest’ will be a paid subscription, where you can access extra writings from me, life season journal prompts, and regular live community offerings.
I am so excited about this community - I hope you will join me—more info in the next few weeks.
Let’s end with a little extract from Matt Haig’s ‘The Comfort Book‘:
“Continually looking for the meaning of life is like looking for the meaning of toast. It is sometimes better just to eat the toast.”
As always, I would love to hear your insights, thoughts or musings.
Wishing you a weekend of toast, just the way you like it.