This week…Argh

Apr 08, 2022
Kemi Nekvapil holding a book

It used to be that you had a cough, and you stayed home. Or your child had a cough, and they stayed home.

My youngest Ibi had symptoms, and I had symptoms earlier in the week. We took a rapid antigen test on Monday evening and Tuesday morning; all were negative.

But Ibi returned from school feeling unwell, and I was feeling a little off, so we got a PCR test. I find these tests so unpleasant. I swear I get more symptoms after having a swab shoved down my nasal passage!

We are now two years in, and one of the factors I like about where we are in the Covid world is fewer people are as obsessed with where they got it from for differing reasons.

We all know that stepping out of the house is a risk. Staying in the house is a risk.

And then there is what I am calling ‘Psychosomatic Covid’. The strain of Covid where something important/fun/or both is coming up, and you are constantly feeling a tickle in your throat. I have asked many people about Psychosomatic Covid, and we all have our versions.

  • A briefly forced cough, to check on the severity of the tickle.
  • Wondering if the food is bland, or you’ve lost your taste buds.
  • Checking for possible swelling of the glands.
  • For those of us in peri-menopause/menopause, “Do I have a fever, or is this a hot flush?”

So as I isolate for a few more days, I will be setting up the garden for bulb plantings and listening to some of my favourite podcasts.

The Secret Library Podcast – This conversation is with the wonderful Caroline Donahue and we explore the writing process of POWER and what the self-publishing and traditional publishing journeys have taught me.

The Confidence Queen –  Episode 277: This conversation is with another woman of colour, my dear friend Erika Cramer – and how and when we have felt powerless – it gets emotional.

One Question – This conversation is about two of my favourite topics – Beauty and delight with the delightful voice of Michelle Cox.

I hope you receive just what you need from listening to these conversations.

I am now signing off for the Easter break and will be back in your inbox at the end of the month.

Wishing you a relaxing break no matter the length.

As always, I would love to hear your insights, thoughts or musings.

Kemi xxx

If you don’t have your copy yet, life is too short not to own your POWER!

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