The Final Questions of 2019!

Dec 13, 2019
Kemi Nekvapil Weekly Words Blog

As we reach the end of a year, generally our focus turns to ‘getting to the end’ or ‘getting to the holiday’s’.

Just yesterday I was asked, “What are your plans for 2020?”, and my response was “I am going to fully complete 2019 before I jump ahead to 2020.”

Of course, there are some logistics which are already confirmed for 2020, but mentally and emotionally I am still right here in 2019.

It has been an incredible year in regards to my work, a challenging year in terms of parenting and a supportive year in terms of my friendships.

Each year we are given opportunities for growth, each year we are challenged, each year we are knocked down, and each year we may feel that we can’t get back up again.

We may not have  liked the growth opportunities that we were presented with, but we grew anyway.

So for the final questions of 2019, I invite you to take the time to honour how you have grown this year and what you have achieved.

These are the same questions as last year because the feedback from last years questions was incredible.

Please feel free to share these questions with family, friends and colleagues, they are great questions to ask people in person.

  1. What 3 things are you proudest of?
  2. What have you learnt about yourself this year?
  3. Where have you grown the most this year?
  4. What relationship has ‘held you’ the most this year? (Tell them)
  5. What has been the magic, the most surprising outcome of 2019 for you?

This will be the final ‘weekly words’ for 2019 and I can not thank you enough for supporting me and my work and what I am committed to doing in the world.

Whether you have replied to my weekly words, attended an event, listened to and reviewed the podcast, a client, or read my articles and listened to my various interviews, THANK YOU from the deepest place. I aim to be of service in a way that supports who I am and supports who you are.

I will be fully offline from Dec 17 – Feb 4, and I look forward to reconnecting in the new decade.

Wishing you the joy of celebrating yourself. xxx

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