The Energy List

Mar 20, 2020
Kemi Nekvapil Weekly Words Blog

The Energy List

As I said last week, (which seems like a whole other world away) if you had any energy savers or builders you wanted to share with me, I would compile a list of them so that we could all benefit.

I feel this little list could be of help right now. Our emotional and mental energy is being pulled in so many ways, and we must stay grounded in ourselves so that we can be mindful in our actions, deeds and words.

Energy Builders:

Cheryl Nekvapil (my mother-in-law)

My practice is to try to get good sleep and to pray every night.

I am also trying to grasp the moment and awareness when I first wake in the morning.


In past few years, I have been working on being more present and listen to my body (not environment) more, and I came to this conclusion; when I am drained or need to recharge I need to:

1 Pray, as Catholic this is my way of meditating
2 Be in nature (walk, run, swim)
3 Food (fish, greens, fish, greens)
4 Talk to my friends (they are my life mentors)
5 Exercise

Hannah Sutton

I’ve learned about energy recharge and conservation for maximum performance.

•    I arrive early. Start my day early, and I do not rush it. Being fully prepared long before my day, meeting, or class ‘starts’, means I’m calm and focused and ready to hit home runs all day. (spoken from a reformed ‘habitually 30 mins late’ person)

•    I go to bed and wind down an hour before I have to be sleeping.

Emma Gearon

The biggest one in my home is our morning routine. Every weekday morning, we go to the gym at the same time and come home to the same breakfast.


I would also like to add a couple of media resources I am using in this Corona Virus era; they build my energy in different ways.

ABC Radio – Conronacast with Norman Swan – I love Norman Swan, so that helps, but this is a bite-sized factual and, dare I say a calming resource for all things Corona.

Instagram – Upworthy – I find this feed so beautifully curated and moves me daily.

The Delight Diaries

Also, this week I have started a little project called The Delight Diaries.

I genuinely believe that we can find delight in the smallest places if we give ourselves the time and we are willing to look and feel into moments of delight.

Hop over to my Instagram feed and check out the highlight reel, and please feel free to add your daily delight, delight is better when shared.

I wish you, your loved ones, your colleagues and your businesses, wellness and safety in these times of change. xxx

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