The Art of Saying No Workshop + Doing things differentlyā€¦

Feb 11, 2022
Kemi Nekvapil holding a book

This is a longer Weekly Words than usual because there are a few things I want to share with you. Make a cuppa.

In 3 weeks – POWER – A woman’s guide to living and leading without apology will be out in the world.

As the time draws near, I am as nervous as I am excited most of the time, but one day this week, I just felt overwhelmed.

There are many ways to launch a book into the world, and there is no right way, but there are tried and tested methods.

From what I know of my author friends and listening to my favourite author podcasts, many launches involve high stress, high overwhelm, lack of self-care, burnout, and disconnection from other areas of their lives.

I want to try another way.

While brainstorming with an author friend the other day, she asked me about my marketing plan for the launch.

I realised that beyond the interviews, conversations, book extracts and launch events, I had an internal plan.

My plan is to birth the book into the world with connection, ease and impact. Saying these words out loud galvanised something within me. That I want to share this book in a way that keeps me grounded in my POWER.

I will be fully Present, and to the opportunities I say yes to, so I can give 100% to them, I can not say yes to all the things.

I will take full Ownership of the journey, what works and what doesn’t work.

I will ignite my Wisdom, especially when it comes to my emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.

I will own my Equality in every room I find myself in and do my best to elevate the equality of everyone else.

I will take full Responsibility for my boundaries, knowing that I am kindest when I’m not exhausted or disconnected from matters to me.

This is my plan. Will it work? I have no idea. I promise I’ll share with you openly as the journey unfolds.

There are many different ways to do things in the world. Book tours, relationships, parenting, leadership, entrepreneurship, being grounded in our POWER makes all the difference.

How are you doing things differently?

As always, I love receiving your thoughts and musings, so hit reply to share.

Kemi xxx


Join me for ‘The Art of Saying No’ Mini-Workshop, the final workshop of the mini-workshop trilogy.

As always, this will be an interactive group-coaching workshop, so bring your curiosity and your courage.

When:  Monday 21 February

Two session times available: 12.30pm-2pm or 7pm – 8.30pm

Cost: $97AUD

(Don’t worry if you cannot attend the live event, as the replay will be sent out within 48hours.)




Podcast – Series 3 is now live and ready for your listening pleasure. In this ten episodes series, we explore the themes of anger, expectations, reverence and more.


Please let me know what you gain from listening, either by writing a review for itunes, or tagging me in Instagram @keminekvapil






Pre-order POWER

If you have not already pre-ordered your copy/copies, you can do so here.

To thank you for your pre-release support, I will be hosting a free and exclusive online book event to say thank you. Details to come at a later date.


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