If you don’t ask, you don’t get…

Aug 04, 2023
Kemi Nekvapil Weekly Words Blog

If you have read my book, The Gift of Asking, you will know my relationship with asking over the years. 

I now consider myself an ‘askhole’, as one of my clients called herself. While working together, asking completely transformed her relationship with herself, her business and the people she loved. 

The interesting (and annoying aspect) of asking is that it is a continual practice. With the launch of my third book, POWER into the US, in September, I have had to reach out and ask people for opportunities, introductions, and testimonials for the book. 

During this process, I have felt as nervous and vulnerable as I did when I first asked to be paid as a professional speaker over a decade ago; asking gets easier with practice, but it's not always easy. 

When I wrote the book The Gift of Asking, I identified similar patterns in women of all ages, career stages, and different chapters of life. Many were struggling to own and ask for what they needed at work, at home, in relationships, and in other areas of their lives. 

Worthiness is at the core of what we are willing to ask for. From my personal experience and as a coach, I know that ‘Am I worthy?’  is a recurring theme for so many women. 

I am very excited to share with you that I have been working on The Gift of Asking Self-paced program – And it is ready today! 

Special Offer

As a special launch gift and to support your asking journey, you will also receive free access to The Gift Of Asking pre-recorded Workshop.

This offer ends at 6pm, on Sunday the 6th of August - when the price will increase to $599.




As you know, I am passionate about women owning who we are and becoming empowered to create the lives we want.  I want women to live full expressions of themselves and let go of the curse of ‘the good girl’ in which so many of us were raised. And this curse of good does not stop when we are girls; it leads to the pressure and overwhelm of being a ‘good wife’, a ‘good partner’, a ‘good mother’, a ‘good daughter’, a ‘good sister’; and being ‘good’ is such a small box for women to inhabit. 

Who is this program for?

  >> If you are a woman who struggles to identify your needs and wants, let alone ask for them, this program is for you.

  >> If you are a woman that can ask in certain areas of her life but feels restricted in other areas, this program is for you.

  >> If you are a woman who identifies as a people pleaser but finds it hard to ask for support, this program is (definitely) for you.

This self-paced program is for you if you want to start owning your worth and putting yourself first without guilt, so you can sustainably support yourself and others.

I purposefully created this program to have maximum impact without overwhelm.


“This course was really nothing short of life-changing. It opened my eyes to the importance of identifying my needs, of owning them, of asking for what I need (without guilt and without justification), and of the positive - transformational - impact of my asking both for me but also for those around me.
– Helen.

“The program gave me clarity, in what I really, deeply WANT, and also HOW to clearly ask for those things. I feel much better equipped to navigate my wants, and asks, and do feel 'worthy'. My relationship with asking is forever changed, knowing I am worthy of the ask.”
– Emily

“By doing this course, I feel empowered, energetic and confident in making changes that I believe will be positive and long-lasting and will take me closer to living in the way that I want to live.”
– Maria.

The program includes: 

  >> Six video lessons (with me) - each roughly ten minutes long. 

  >> One or two printable self-coaching resources per lesson - these can be done in six days, six weeks or six months. 

  >> Ability to do the program at your own pace.

  >> Access to the six-week program for a full six months. 

  >> LIMITED TIME BONUS: The Gift of Asking Workshop, valued at $99


Enrol Now - Only $499


The videos will guide you towards understanding why you may feel overwhelmed, stressed, or resentful. There are so many feelings and impacts that arise from us not knowing, not owning, and not asking for what we need or want. We will explore all of this in this program.

To put it all into practice, which is the most important thing, in between each video is your opportunity to ask - in the real world! To get real-life feedback on the power that the gift of asking can hold for you. 

So what were the results of my asking regarding the US launch of POWER? Well, I needed to ask for written testimonials from unapologetic women doing incredible things in the world, so their time is precious, and I could have used that as an excuse not to ask. But I didn’t. I decided not to do their thinking for them. 

So I pressed send. Some of them never responded. Some couldn’t, because of their commitments, but wanted me to reach out next time. But, most said yes! Including, Marie Forleo, Martha Beck, Sally Hepworth, Susan David, and Koya Webb, to name a few. 

If we don’t ask, we don’t get it. And if we get a "no", we will survive. We have all survived many "no’s" in our lifetimes.  And yet - we are still worthy of the ask.




“Women do not have to settle. We are allowed to ask for more, for different, for better.”

– Kemi Nekvapil


As always, I would love to hear your insights, thoughts or musings. 

Wishing you a weekend of asking for what you need and want – without guilt. 



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