I’ve started doing this…
Aug 07, 2020Yesterday was a wobbly day for me, but not for my husband.
The day before was a wobbly day for my husband, but not for me.
The teenagers don’t seem to be wobbly at the moment and are annoyed if I ask them how they are going. But they are elated that they now have more screen time than they have EVER been allowed in their lives!
For my family, stage 4 lockdown has not changed our daily habits that much. To be honest, we were hardly out on the town after 8 pm even before Corona Virus.
What has been affected is hope, a hope that this would be over soon.
A hope that numbers would drop and we could hug each other again.
A hope that people would do the right thing for the majority, even if it impacted their freedom.
These hopes are yet to be realised, but I have to have hope that they will, and until then it is one day at a time.
I hold hope for one day at a time.
I have started a little practice at the moment that may be useful to you too.
After I have completed my morning practices, I have started asking myself two questions.
The first question is: “What do I hope for today?”
The answer allows me to create tangible hope in my sphere of influence while holding on to hope outside of my sphere of influence.
I keep my expectations extremely low and only have one hope for the day.
A few examples:
1. I hope the sun stays out long enough to dry the clothes.
2. I hope my writing flows freely.
3. I hope for hugs.
4. I hope for connection.
The second question is: What if you don’t get what you hope for?
Example 1. I hope the sun stays out long enough to dry the clothes.
What if you don’t get what you hope for?
I will leave them out there. We can all wear the same two sets of clothes for the next six weeks. Who cares?
Example 2. I hope my writing flows freely today.
What if you don’t get what you hope for?
I’ll take a break, and if that doesn’t work, I’ll choose a set number of words to write and then finish for the day.
Example 3. I hope for hugs
What if you don’t get what you hope for?
I will ask for hugs.
Example 4. I hope for connection.
What if you don’t get what you hope for?
I will reach out and call a friend.
Setting the one hope for the day, and then defining what you’ll do if that hope is not realised, allows us to have some intention for the day.
And some days the only thing you need to do is go to bed and cry. On those days we are hoping for release.
We are all going to have wobbly days for different reasons at different times. Sometimes these days will be strung together; sometimes, they will be randomly spread.
We are allowed wobbly days; they are not a sign of weakness; they are a sign of being present. Present to this fragile world in which we find ourselves.
We must meet these days as best we can.
I wish you a weekend of creating hope in your world while holding hope for the world.
Kemi xxx