Goodbye for 2020.
Dec 04, 2020
These will be my last weekly words for 2020, as I am taking my usual long break over the Summer period.
What a year it has been, and although it’s not officially over yet, I think we can all say “What a year it has been!”
And in some ways “What a year it ‘hasn’t’ been”; all the plans we had, gone. The goals and projects that disappeared in an instant, maybe to be resurrected, maybe not.
We have all experienced various forms of struggle this year, and I do hope that my weekly words have supported you in some way through 2020.
So many of you engaged with my words through your emails (and a few surprise gifts) this year, for which I am deeply grateful. You have also supported me through this year with your generosity.
I know what it takes to write, and I never take for granted the words and experiences you share with me. I hope my replies have honoured you and your time.
I will return to my keyboard in February 2021. Until then, my YouTube Channel now has ten videos for you to engage with, on topics such as overwhelm, commitment, action and freedom.
If you want some free coaching, The Shift Series Podcast is available on iTunes, Spotify and Google Play.
Wherever you are in the world, I do hope this holiday season gives you some relief, even if only a few moments of connected breath.
2021 will not wipe the slate clean of all that 2020 has been, it will of course be heavily informed by it, and there is much healing to be had in the world.
Personally, I think we can heal; I believe in us.
Until 2021, I wish you small moments of delight, connection and belief.
Kemi xxx