A poem for youā€¦

Jul 01, 2022
Kemi Nekvapil holding a book

It has been too long since I sent you a poem.

I recently spoke at an event in Uluru, and was sent this poem by one of the participants; I felt it all.

May you gain from these words exactly what you need today. And I ask you to please send this poem to any of the women in your life, who have in the past, or who are currently living within this poem.


she sat at the back

and they said she was shy

she led from the front

and they hated her pride


they asked her advice

and they questioned her guidance

they branded her loud

then were shocked by her silence


when she shared no ambition

they said it was sad

so she told them her dreams

and they said she was mad


they told her they’d listen

then covered their ears

and gave her a hug

whilst they laughed at her fears


and she listened to all of it

thinking she should

be the girl they told her to be

best as she could


but one day she asked

what was best for herself

instead of trying

to please everyone else


so she walked to the forest

and stood with the trees

she heard the wind whisper

and dance with the leaves


and she spoke with the willow,

the elm and the pine

and she told them what she’d been told

time after time


she told them she never

felt nearly enough

she was either too little

or far, far too much


too loud or too quiet

too fierce or too weak

too wise or too foolish

too bold or too meek


then she found a small clearing

surrounded by firs

and she stopped and she heard

what the trees said to her


and she sat there for hours

not wanting to leave

for the forest said nothing…

it just let her breathe

                 Becky Hemsley


Wishing you a weekend of breathing.

As always, I would love to hear your insights, thoughts or musings.

Kemi xxx


The Gift of Asking Live Program:

If you are interested in participating in The Gift Of Asking Live Program beginning on August 8, you’ll find all the details here. And if you would like to be one of the first to be notified when the doors open, make sure to join the waiting list.

Program Details:- 

Dates: Commencing 08 August for 6 weeks until 12 September 2022.

Times: Six consecutive Mondays at 12pm-1.30pm

(Replays will be with you within 48 hours if you can’t make all the live


Price: $1999 inc. GST

(Payment plan option available with a surcharge.)

There will be a cap on participants, so if you put yourself on the waiting list

you will be invited to register one week before the official launch doors open.

If you have not read The Gift of Asking; order your copy now.

If the book resonates with you, the program will.


Power Reviews:

Thank you if you have already left a review for POWER; I sincerely appreciate the time you took.

If you have already read POWER or are currently reading it, can you please leave a rating and review where you purchased the book.

It doesn’t have to be more than a sentence (though 200 words are gold), but written reviews significantly impact how many women are exposed to the book and its message.

To make it easy for you, if you are someone who never leaves reviews or struggles with what to write, here are some guiding questions:

1. What is your biggest takeaway from reading POWER?

2. Which Power Principle or chapter resonated with you the most and why?

3. How has the book impacted your sense of power in the world?

4. Would you recommend this book to other women?

Booktopia Review 

Amazon Australia Review 

Goodreads Review (if you bought POWER at a bricks and mortar bookstore)

If you could do this in the next 48 hours, that would be wonderful. I thank you in advance.


And if you don’t have your copy yet, ORDER NOW .

Life is too short not to own your POWER!

POWER is available to purchase.

I thank you in advance for supporting my work and my words.

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