A letter from Paul + Dare to Lead Retreats 2022.

Aug 05, 2022
Kemi Nekvapil holding a book

POWER has been in the world for six months, and the response has been moving, affirming and humbling.

Not a day has gone by when I have not received a message telling me how the book has resonated, affirmed, and elevated the sense of POWER in the reader.

As an author (and I have said this before), you never know if your work and words resonate until readers start telling you, so thank you if you have shared your experience of reading POWER with me; I am deeply grateful.

It is a vulnerable and courageous act to be seen and put your contribution out into the world and hope it will be useful to the reader. And when your work is out in the world, you have no idea who will receive it.

POWER was not written for Paul (A woman’s guide to living and leading without apology), but Paul listened to it and then wrote to me.


“Dear Kemi,

I am writing to you as I have just finished your book, Power via Audible Books and wanted to express my thanks for a wonderful book.

I knew nothing of you until I heard you on the Imperfects podcast (one I religiously listen to) and was taken by your journey and the manner with which you relayed it to the listener.

I am also an avid follower of Brené Brown and have just recently finished watching her series on Foxtel, Atlas of the Heart. One I have watched over again, especially the last episode.

I am white, male, early 50’s, married, have adult children and born in my state of residence, South Australia. I grew up in a loving family environment, my parents are still together and live close to me. As you state in your book, I am privileged in many ways and for that I am very grateful. I felt as if I had some form of understanding of those that are the minority, but you so beautifully educated me in your book that I really had none. At times, your book brought to tears, made me laugh, brought profound self-reflection, but most importantly, taught me new skills to further my growth as person. For that, I am very grateful.

Your book is one that is a reference, a checklist if you like for me. To help with growth, understanding, respect, perseverance, and vulnerability. I now subscribe to your weekly words and ponder them over my morning coffee. 

Thank you, Kemi, for this book. Especially those that supported you throughout to enable you to write it.”

Kind regards,



I was moved by Paul’s letter because it was unexpected. It, along with many other messages about POWER, continues to empower me in why it is so important to show up and be seen as a leader and as a whole human, with our light and shadow.

After recording The Imperfects Podcast, Hugh Van Cuylenburg and I sent a few voice messages back and forth. Hugh mentioned that he knew that as a white male, he needed to step back and listen more. I said yes to listening more, but please don’t step back; stand alongside those of us with marginalised identities. We need to stand alongside each other, not behind each other. We need to own our stories and privileges and use them to lead together without apology.

You can listen to my interview on The Imperfects Podcast here.

As always, I would love to hear your insights, thoughts or musings.

Kemi xxx


Power Reviews:

Thank you if you have already left a review for POWER; I sincerely appreciate the time you took.

If you have already read POWER or are currently reading it, can you please leave a rating and review where you purchased the book.

It doesn’t have to be more than a sentence (though 200 words are gold), but written reviews significantly impact how many women are exposed to the book and its message.

To make it easy for you, if you are someone who never leaves reviews or struggles with what to write, here are some guiding questions:

  1. What is your biggest takeaway from reading POWER?
  2. Which Power Principle or chapter resonated with you the most and why?
  3. How has the book impacted your sense of power in the world?
  4. Would you recommend this book to other women?

Booktopia Review 

Amazon Australia Review 

Goodreads Review (if you bought POWER at a bricks and mortar bookstore)

If you could do this in the next 48 hours, that would be wonderful. I thank you in advance.

And if you don’t have your copy yet, ORDER NOW .

Life is too short not to own your POWER!

POWER is available to purchase.

I thank you in advance for supporting my work and my words.

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