A guide for making decisions.

Feb 20, 2020
Kemi Nekvapil Weekly Words Blog

A guide for making decisions. 

“Make decisions for the bigger vision” is a quote I heard last year while listening to the audiobook version of Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.

It was an ‘aha’ moment for me.
How do you make decisions?
Do you have a guiding framework that allows you to navigate each decision as it comes your way?

As a coach who does a lot of work with my clients around values, I believe that values are the best framework in which to make a decision, and the most accurate life compass we have at our fingertips.

But I think that quote – “make decisions for the bigger vision” – is the icing on those fingertips!

Often, we can find ourselves making decisions based on what we already have, what we already see, what we are avoiding, what we fear, what our inner critic tells us…

I know I have not always made decisions with a bigger vision in mind. I have sometimes had to make decisions to survive. I have sometimes made decisions to impress others. I have sometimes made decisions based on fear.

There have been times when I have said yes to an opportunity in the moment, and it has negatively impacted something that was much more important to me.

I was not aware at that time that this would be the outcome. Had I had in mind a bigger vision, I would definitely have said no to the immediate opportunity, as it cost too much in the end.

Of course, we need to know what the bigger vision is, and that may be the most important question for you from reading these words today: “What is my bigger vision?”

This doesn’t mean you need to make a massive decision, like changing the whole world – the vision does not have to be on that scale.

For example, your bigger vision might be to connect more with your family.  If there were an essential family celebration planned, and on the same date you had the opportunity to collaborate with someone you admire, you would choose the family celebration.

For a little while, you might feel resentful that you couldn’t have both; sometimes we can have our cake and eat it, sometimes we can’t. And not all decisions are black and white; sometimes there are multiple factors at play, and we need a little guidance.

But there is nothing more soul-soothing than being true to what matters.

Between our values and our bigger vision, we have a guide.


Wishing you a weekend of guidance. xxx

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