3 Questions – September

Sep 25, 2020
Kemi Nekvapil Blog Weekly Words

In the last few weeks, I have written about control; controlling what you can control in these times.

I have also written about life energy and with possible depleting energy stores, where do you want to focus your energy.

I want to end the month of September bringing both of these concepts together.

So here goes:

1. What ONE thing, if you finished it today, would make you jump for joy/lift a weight off/give you a sense of achievement?

2. How long will it take to complete the task?

3. By when are you going to complete the task today?

Sometimes that is all we have to do, just ask ourselves, What is the ONE thing I need to do today?

It is not always a task; sometimes it is rest, sometimes it’s being fully present. Whatever it is today, give yourself the gift of feeling lighter and feeling proud.

I am now on school holidays, I think. A strange lockdown holiday, where children have not been to school for nearly six months kind of holiday, and we can’t go anywhere!! Very confusing.

Wishing you well and I will be back  on Friday 9 October.

But… I will be on your screen via my YouTube channel.

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Wishing you a weekend of feeling proud.

Kemi xxx

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