3 Questions - March

Mar 22, 2024
Kemi Nekvapil Weekly Words Blog

Over the last few years, I have come to poetry. Or maybe poetry has come to me.  

Either way, it is a relationship I am nourishing with curiosity. 

ALL of the poetry I was taught at school was written by dead white men. So, although I may admire their craft and the realms that poetry can open up in us, I never saw myself in the words.  

I have had to discover poetry written by all kinds of humans from different places, writing poetry for all reasons; throughout time.  

Some of it makes absolutely no sense to me, and some of it leaves me cold. But some poems help me see myself, the world, and humanity anew.  

Over the last two weeks, I have presented two keynote presentations for global organisations. One session was Women and Worth, and the other on Self-Leadership.  

Before each of these sessions, I read poetry.  

I rarely read before a presentation, but the poem I am sharing with you today, found its way into my pre-presentation ritual. 

There is much to take from these words, and I feel there is enough here to help you see anew, in life and leadership, or a remembering, of what you already know.  

First poetry – then 3 questions. 


Imperatives – by Elena Brower 

Place yourself in the way of grace: 

Sit still, let the muse  

find you and fill you 

so creativity can emerge. 


Get good at what you do. 


Forgiveness, again. 


Be even more adaptable. 


Lead yourself and others with tenderness and ferocity, equally. 


Efficiently use what you have. 


Rest often. 


Take this precious glimpse of stability into higher and wider  


and when it works, don’t doubt. 


Then thank a difficult person for showing you your priorities. 


Lean on the Universe with your honesty. 

Ask for signs. 

Receive them gratefully. 


Disentangle from the evidence 

so you can see the unseen. 


Look at the places where you feel you aren’t being heard, 

               and see where you’re not listening. 


From – Softening Time  - Collected Poems by Elena Brower 


3 Questions: 

  1. What do you need to be honest with yourself about? 
  2. How can you lead yourself with tenderness and ferocity, equally? 
  3. To whom are you not listening? Why?

If you want to journal your answers, Chantress Seba, whose music has been on repeat in my life for the last month, is the best company. 

Note: I’ll be taking advantage of the Easter school holidays, spending days at the farm, sitting under trees and writing in The Potting Shed. I'll be back in your inbox, mid-April.

As always, I would love to hear your insights, thoughts or musings.

Wishing you grace.


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