3 Questions - June
Jun 25, 2021If you have been receiving my weekly words for long enough, you will know that I ask roughly the same three questions at the end of June.
This year is no different.
I believe it is essential to take time in the middle of the year to reassess any goals set at the start of the year and either recommit, defer, or drop them.
A few weeks ago, in my 3 Lessons in Motivation post I wrote that I decided to recommit to my 50km running goal as I was losing motivation. This recommitment helped me approach the final race week re-motivated and ready.
Then lockdown 4.0 happened, and the race was off again. I took a week off training to decide if I would recommit, defer or drop it as a goal altogether.
I decided it had been deferred enough due to Covid, and I wanted to mark the training in some way, so I decided to run 20km solo, walk 10km with my husband, and run 19km with a dear friend; 50km over two days.
Goal complete.
If I decide to train for another marathon this year, it will be without the weight of the one that never came. I am free to recreate.
So here are my three questions for you:
- What three goals do you want to achieve by the end of this year?
- What do you need to recommit to, defer or drop?
- How are you going to move forward on your goals today?
It has been a topsy turvy year so far, and we cannot control everything around us, but we can focus on what matters.
Wishing you a weekend of what matters most.
I am now off on school holidays for two weeks and I will be back with weekly words in mid July.
Kemi xxx