3 Questions – July

Jul 24, 2020
Kemi Nekvapil Blog Weekly Words

Hand up if you consider yourself a control freak?

Generally, this term is used as a negative, and yet we all need control in our lives. Even in a global pandemic. Especially in a global pandemic.

It is not helpful to hear “Well, you’ve never had any control anyway, so get over it!”

Sometimes control is all we have.

Right now living in lockdown 2.0 in Melbourne, Australia, there are forms of control that are important to me.

  • Controlling my expectations from day today.
  • Controlling the media I let in.
  • Controlling how I feed my body, balancing various forms of food nourishment. I have always believed in food for nutritional nourishment and food for emotional nourishment; I have to say that I have not used crumpets and jam for my emotional nourishment this time around. I’m not sure I can ever eat crumpets again!
  • Controlling my immediate environment (not the home, that has gone to ruin with all family members home ALL THE TIME, but I can control my office environment)
  • Controlling the regular movement of my body in the outdoors for physical and mental connection.

My 3 questions for you this month are:

  1. What control do you need to let go of for your sanity? (What is causing you suffering?)
  2. What do you need to control for your mind, body and spirit?
  3. How can you use your need for control as a form of self-compassion?

I want these questions to give you freedom, to understand that the need for control is not always a bad thing; sometimes, it is the thing that saves us from ourselves.

Wishing you a weekend of controlling what matters and letting the rest of it go. xxx

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