3 Questions β February
Feb 19, 2021
The response to last week’s email was overwhelming, in a really good way.
Any apprehension I had about sharing quickly disappeared and affirmed that when we share our joy and dream fulfilment, we give others permission to do the same.
A reoccurring theme in the responses was that we all have dreams, and we question if we are worthy of them.
Usually I do my monthly ‘3 Questions’ at the end of the month, but I want to give you the opportunity to own your worth and your dreams, so I am bringing them forward this month.
One thing I know for sure (as Oprah would say) is that the first step to dream fulfilment is owning that we have them; nothing happens until we do.
The next step is writing them down with your own hand on old school paper.
Grab your pen and paper and even if you know your dream, write it down; it is a tangible sign of ownership.
In last weeks ‘weekly words’, I shared how my husband and I wrote down what we wanted in our dream property, this was the moment we owned the dream.
Before answering below, I invite you not to get stuck on current life circumstances or the how, focusing on these will eliminate the dream in an instant.
1. What is your biggest life dream?
2. What does this dream mean to you? Why is it important?
3. When you reach your death bed if you haven’t given your dream a go, will it matter?
Once you have written this dream for yourself, if you want to share it with me, I promise to energetically hold your dream for you.
I’m toying with the idea of ‘Farm News’ in my weekly words? Let me know if you are interested and if there is enough interest, I’ll add it in.
Just respond: Farm news!
Example: We were at the farm during lockdown and our new Husqvarna hand mower arrived, (known as Huskie’s to those in the know!) she is a beautiful sister to our ride on Huskie mower. I’m not a fan of driving so although I use the ride on (I spent 4 hours on it last Monday), I’m happier with the whipper snipper and the hand mower. I mowed until the sun went down, such a sense of achievement, mowing. #mediatationwithinstantrewards
Animals spotted on our property during lockdown included black and white cockatoos #diversity, but they are never together so there is an inclusion issue going on here!
Lots of Kookaburras, kangaroo’s and our first Echidna. And FLIES! Why????
Harvesting apples and blackberries, planting a cottage garden.
Wishing you a weekend of dream ownership.