3 Questions – August

Aug 28, 2020
Kemi Nekvapil Blog Weekly Words

I believe one of the gifts of coaching is that it allows the coaching client to utilise the internal and external tools that help them in navigating life.

We all have various tools, but we forgot what tools have got us through in the past, and we don’t actively use these tools when we are highly stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted.

The restrictions many of us are facing right now invite a level of emotional exhaustion that is new to many of us.

The constant unknowing, but trying to know.

The constant changing of circumstances, but wanting them to stay the same.

The desire for ‘normality’, but wanting a new normal.

In this month’s three questions I want you to focus on the tools you have to navigate life.

Recently I did a podcast interview where I shared a process I was taken through many years ago.

The facilitator Lisa, read us a story where the protagonist was on a ‘hero’s journey’ and was given three golden leaves along the way to guide him on the next level of his journey.

We, the participants, were asked what our three golden leaves had been through our lives, what truths had got us through to the next level of our journey.

My answer to this question is a tool I call upon often, a truth that has played out throughout my life, even if I didn’t know it at the time. In fact, I never knew it at the time; it was only in looking back and reflecting that I could see my golden leaves. Now that I am aware of them, they are one of my most valuable life tools.

My golden leaves are:

  1. You are looked after
  1. It will be okay
  1. Keep going

This month’s questions for you are:

  1. What are your three golden leaves?
  1. What can you count on yourself for?
  1. How can you utilise your golden leaves in these fragile times?

In sharing these questions with you, my desire is for you to remember the tools you have to move through this fragile journey called life.

Wishing you a weekend of knowing where you have been and who you are. xxx

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