3 Questions
Mar 01, 2019
This month’s questions are focused on relationships.
When life gets full our most important relationships can take a back seat and, with the ebb and flow of life this is to be expected. But if we want to maintain important relationships we have to consciously invest in them, make room for them and sometimes make sacrifices for them.
Note: Sometimes 3 questions will become 5 questions. :)
- Who in your life would you like to spend more time with?
- What do you see as the obstacles to spending time with them?
- Do this person matter enough for you to challenge the obstacles?
- What is the first action to re-connecting with them?
- When are you going to take this action?
It may be as simple as letting someone know that although life is full you care about them, you think about them, you love them.
We must never assume that our relationships will continue if we do not put energy into them.
Wishing you a weekend of challenging the perceived obstacles. xxx